A Story About Joe Py (Gravel Root)

Once upon a time I got an email from a mom who's son had gall stones and they were contemplating surgery.

She asked if there was anything that could be done. A plant who I wasn't very familiar with at the time came to mind.

Joe py weed aka. Eupatorium purpureum is an herb known to bust up stones, so I mentioned it to her. It was a somewhat obscure herb to find, so we found it on etsy and she bought it.

I hoped it would help, but had no idea if it would, but a few weeks later she emailed me again and said that they went for a checkup and all of the stones are gone, that the doctor was amazed, and she told them she had tried joe py.

This is a story to remind you that herbs significantly help, a heck of a lot more than doing nothing but following your doctors orders; and sometimes, miracles do happen.

Plant blessings,

Dan De Lion

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About Dan

Dan De Lion is an earth herbalist, forager, musician, and teacher. He teaches through Return to Nature, providing classes, lectures, and seminars on wild food foraging, mushroom identification, herbal medicine making, as well as primitive and survival skills with a focus on wild foods and forest medicines. He also incorporates the philosophies of yoga, alchemy, meditation, and mysticism into his classes, lectures, and seminars and brings a deep rooted indigenous medicine perspective of practicing intuition with plants, in a systematic and earth-based way – Check out more at www.returntonature.us.
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