Once upon a time I got an email from a mom who's son had gall stones and they were contemplating surgery.
She asked if there was anything that could be done. A plant who I wasn't very familiar with at the time came to mind.
Joe py weed aka. Eupatorium purpureum is an herb known to bust up stones, so I mentioned it to her. It was a somewhat obscure herb to find, so we found it on etsy and she bought it.
I hoped it would help, but had no idea if it would, but a few weeks later she emailed me again and said that they went for a checkup and all of the stones are gone, that the doctor was amazed, and she told them she had tried joe py.
This is a story to remind you that herbs significantly help, a heck of a lot more than doing nothing but following your doctors orders; and sometimes, miracles do happen.
Plant blessings,
Dan De Lion