Category Archives: India – Seeking the Medicine – Botanical Journey, 2012

Writings on my Ethnobotanical and spiritual adventure throughout India

Thank you, India – Threads of a life time

I really cant believe all the inredibly beautiful, and absolutely chaotic array of beauty that India has chosen to share with me. I have witnessed incredible highs and lows both of society, and personally throughout my travels in India. As … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 2 Comments

Journey to Kunjapuri – Practice of Transforming Will

While in Rishikesh I had heard of a place up in the mountains that was a Shakti Peeth called Kunjapuri – Kunja is stomach or torso, and puri means abode. Kunjapuri is where this part of the goddesses body is … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 1 Comment

March 8 – Holi Festival

Today is the festival known as Holi. This day marks the beginning of Spring. Everyone is wiping colors all over each other. I will be hiding out at the ashram and watching from afar as the colors used are very … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 2 Comments

Atharva Veda – Earth Prayer

Impart to us those vitalizing forces that come, O Earth, from deep within your body, your central point, your navel, purify us wholly. The Earth is mother; I am son of Earth. The Rain-giver is my father; may he shower … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | Leave a comment

India Wild Food and Medicine Adventures – Slideshow of Plants

So far i have been seeking to connect with the plant world through the common town plants, and trees. Connecting with wild exotic fruits and weeds, some familiar friends and some never seen. I have listed several spiritual, medicinal, and edible uses … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012, Wild Food and Medicine Articles | 2 Comments

Vedantic Understanding – Tools for Enlightening Up

When I showed up to Rishikesh I had no idea where I was going to stay or what I would do, but this is what it is like travelling, especially in India. I had trust in divine guidance and knew of … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 3 Comments

A Powerful Hike Up to Neelkanth Mountain – Feb 15, 2012 – Rishikesh

In India there are many special pilgrimage places. Neelkanth is one such place where a special Shivalingam (image of Shiva) is. In the story it is said that during the creation of the universe where the forces of light and … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 6 Comments

Photos from India – Amla, Ganga, and lots of plants!

I am bathing in the ganga daily and doing meditation and prayers for all on the banks – speaking with the devas and devis of the mountains and waters. The water is freezing and refreshing, today its probably 80 degrees … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | Leave a comment

Thank You! – From India

As i write my first post from India I want to say THANK YOU DEEPLY to all of those who put your intent, prayers, and donations towards bringing me here. I could not have done it without you and honor … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | Leave a comment

Herbal Survival Kit for International Travel

  As I head towards this journey to the Sacred Land of India, I find it most interesting, as an herbalist, to travel abroad and consider what can I really handle and how much I can trust in myself and … Continue reading

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Posted in Blog, India - Seeking the Medicine - Botanical Journey, 2012 | 4 Comments