Course Descriptions

Dan shares a variety of indoor and outdoor classes available for booking, as well as custom designed classes, courses, slideshow presentations, and weekend retreats. If you are interested in learning any of these skills, scheduling a private session, or setting up a class at your location email:

Wild Plant Walks Herbal and Land Consultations Personal Herbal Mentorships
Veg. Fermentation Foraging Herbalist Mentorship Training Yoga and Meditation Courses
Herbal Remedies Classes Childrens Classes “Camping with Dan” Retreats
Tracking and Nature Observation Return to Nature Weekend Retreats

Survival and Emergency Preparedness

Music Lessons Bird Language Classes Kombucha Classes

 I offer classes and consultations with the intention of helping communities move towards a “Nature appreciation” based paradigm. By teaching and inspiring people to connect with the land in a deeper way, foraging for their own foods and herbal remedies, create primitive tools for survival and sustenance, and become self-reliant herbalists by treating their own ailments with what Nature provides, we can deepen our quality of life and community which is so essential for our sanity as a global culture.

 A weed is a plant whose virtues we have not yet discovered. ~Emerson

Dan teaching border

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