Category Archives: Colombia – Seeking the Medicine – Winter 2015

Dans Ethnobotany Journey to Meet the Sacred Plants of Colombia.

Datura as a Topical Medicinal Plant – New Video!

In this video, Dan de Lion, of discusses a misunderstood but sacred plant; datura aka. Jimson weed, and its lesser known application as a topical pain relieving plant.

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Seeking the Medicine – Colombia, 2014

For 2 weeks (Nov. 28 – Dec. 5 2014) we traveled to Colombia to seek and expand our knowledge of wild foods, medicinal plants, culture, and shamanic practices within these sacred lands. It was my first time exploring anywhere in … Continue reading

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Guanabana – An Anticancer Fruit – Seeking the Medicine @ Colombia

Before leaving Colombia we had to try Guanabana! It’s a huge investment of a fruit; a big mama from the plant family: Annonacea. This family hosts the magical exotic flavors of cherimoya (Annona cherimola), sugar apple (Annona squamosa), custard apple … Continue reading

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The Power of Palms – Seeking the Medicine @ Colombia

Hola from Colombia, It’s been a profound experience so far here. Once we arrived at our first stop (yogeshram ashram), I was excited to begin discovering which plants were around us. As with most places I’ve been, all I had … Continue reading

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Seeking the Medicine – Colombia, Nov. 2014 – Itinerary, Packing List, Plants List

The Itinerary: We leave From JFK Airport Thursday am to Cali, Colombia. We will stay for several days at a friends ashram, then take a bus to Pasto, Colombia. From there we will meet a guide Sebastian who speaks very … Continue reading

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Seeking the Medicine – Colombia – November 28 – Dec 7

In 2 weeks (nov 28) I’ll be traveling to Colombia to seek the wild foods, medicines, culture, and shamanic practices within these sacred lands. It will be my first time to explore a jungle habitat, and I’m very excited to … Continue reading

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