~Return to Nature Tinctures ~ 2021


Tincture Name


Special Note

Ashwagandha Tincture


Organically Sourced Withania somniforum Root, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Astragalus Tincture

Astragalus (Astragalus propinquus), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Barberry, Japanese

Wild Harvested Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) Root, Harvested in the Forest of NJ, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Bikal Skullcap Tincture

Organically Grown Bikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) Harvested in Jeffs Chinese medicine garden in Oklahoma, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Black Cohosh Root Tincture

Black Cohosh (Acetea racemosa) Wildcrafted in NJ Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Black Sage Tincture

Wildcrafted Black Sage (Salvia mellifera), Sustainably and Prayerfully Gathered in Southern California, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Black Snakeroot Tincture

Black Snakeroot (Sanicula odorata), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Wildcrafted in Indiana at Our Haven Sanctuary



Black Walnut Hull Tincture

Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Wildcrafted in NJ, Tinctured fresh


Blackberry Root Tincture

Wild Crafted Blackberry Root (Rubus fruticosus), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Bull Magnolia Flower Tincture

Wild Harvested Bull Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Flowers, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Burdock Tincture

Burdock (Articum lappa), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Organically grown at the Cherry Valley Cooperative garden and harvested by me. [3]


Calendula Tincture

Organically Grown Calendula (Calendula officinalis) Grown at Cherry Valley Farm, Organic Alcohol, Organic Veg Glycerine, Water.


California Poppy Tincture

Sustainably harvested in Southern California. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Catnip (Fresh) Tincture

Catnip (Nepeta cataria ), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [2] Organically grown at Cherry Valley Cooperative

*Catnip can be slightly sedative, don’t take catnip and drive.

Cats Claw Tincture

Cats claw (Uncaria tomentosa), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [1]

*Do not take with blood thinning medications, or before surgery.

Cayenne Tincture

Organically Sourced Cayenne (Capsicum annuum), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.

*very spicy

Chamomile Tincture

Organically Grown Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Chickweed Tincture

Wild Chickweed (Stellaria media), Harvested in Delaware, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Cleavers Tincture

Cleavers (Galium aparine), Organic Cane Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, Water. Wildcrafted at Full Circle Farm in Southern California [2]


Copal ResinTincture

Sustainably Sourced Copal (Protium copal) Organic 95% Alcohol, Water.


Corn Silk Tincture

Zea mays Harvested from corn on Barbers organic farm (*Non-gmo), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Creosote Tincture

Wildcrafted Larrea tridentata, Harvested in Sedona, AZ, Organic Alcohol, Water.

**Low Dose Herb

Dagga Tincture

Organically Grown Dagga (Leonotis leonurus), Harvested in San Diego, CA, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Dandelion Tincture

Wild Crafted Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) Leaf and Flower, Harvested in Delaware, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Dong Quai Tincture

Angelica sinensis, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [1]


Echinacea Tincture

Echinacea purpurea flowers grown at Cherry Valley Cooperative Farm, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Elderberry Tincture

Organically Grown Elderberries (Sambucus nigra), Grown by Jeff in Tulsa, OK, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Elm Bark Tincture

Wild Harvested Elm Bark (Elmus sp.), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Fennel Tincture

Sustainably Harvested Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Wild Harvested in Southern California, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Fenugreek Tincture

Sustainably Sourced Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Gill over the Ground Tincture

Wild Harvested Gill Over the Ground (Glechoma hederacea) Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Ginger Tincture

Organically Sourced Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Organic Alcohol, Water.

*Very Spicy

Goldenrod Tincture

Sustainably Wildcrafted Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Flowering Tops, Organic Cane Alchohol, Water.


Gymnema (Sugar Buster)Tincture

Sustainably sourced Gymnema (gymnema sylvestre), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Hawthorne Tincture

Wildcrafted Hawthorne (Crataegus monogyna) Leaf and Berries, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Heal All Tincture

Heal All (Prunella vulgaris [2]), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Wildcrafted at cherry valley cooperative farm


Hops Tincture

Hops (Humulus lupulus), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [1]


Horehound Tincture

Wild Harvested Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), Wildcrafted in California, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Horsetail Tincture

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Harvested at Monarch Apothecary, Indiana, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [2]


Jamaican Dogwood Tincture

Sustainably Sourced Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Jamaican Sarsaparilla Tincture


Sustainably Sourced Smilax ornata, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Japanese Knotweed Tincture

Wildcrafted Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Harvested from the wild in NJ.


Juniper Berry Tincture


Juniperus communis, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Joe Py Weed Tincture


Wildcrafted Eupatorium purpureum, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Lavender Tincture

Lavender (Lavendula officinalis), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Homegrown.


Linden Tincture

Wild Crafted Linden (Tilia cordata), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Lemon Balm Tincture

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis [1]), Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Veg. Glycerine, Water. Organically grown at Cherry Valley Cooperative Farm, NJ, harvested, and tinctured fresh by me.


Milk Thistle Tincture

Organically Sourced Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum ), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Milky Oats Tincture


Milky Oats (Avena sativa) Wildcrafted and tinctured fresh in Southern California. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.

(Out of Stock)

Mimosa Tree Tincture

Wild Harvested Mimosa Flowers and Bark (Albizzia jilibrissin), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Mormon Tea Tincture


Ephedra spp. Sustainably Wildcrafted in New Mexico, and Arizona. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Motherwort Tincture

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) wildcrafted from a homestead in upstate NY, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Mountain Mint Tincture

Wild Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum), Harvested at Cherry Valley Cooperative in NJ, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Mouse Ear Chickweed Tincture

Mouse Ear Chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum ), Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Water. [2]


Mugwort Tincture

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), Wildcrafted in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Ocotillo Tincture

Wild Harvested Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) Sustainably Harvested near Joshua Tree, Ca. Organic Alcohol, Water.


Olive Leaf Tincture

Olive Leaf (Olea europa), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Harvested from the Terra Madre Gardens in San Diego, CA


Orange Peel Tincture

Organic Orange Peels (Citrus sinensis), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Pao d ArcoTincture


Tabebuia impetiginosa Sustainably sourced, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Passionflower (leaf) Tincture

Passiflora edulis Harvested at Sweet Spot Farm, San Diego, CA. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.

(Check availability before ordering)

Pine Sap Tincture

Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) sap, wildcrafted in the Pine Barrens in NJ, 95% Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Poke Root Tincture

Poke Root (Phytolacca Americana), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. Harvested and tinctured fresh from the Cherry Valley Cooperative Garden, Princeton, NJ


Ponderosa Pine Sap Tincture

Wild Harvested Ponderosa Pine Sap (Pinus ponderosa), Gathered in the Forest of Northern New Mexico, Organic 95% Alcohol, Water.


Purple Loosestrife Tincture

Wildcrafted Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Ragweed Tincture

Wildcrafted Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [2]


Red Clover Tincture

Wildcrafted Red Clover (Trifolium pratense ), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Red Root Tincture

Red Root (Ceanothus spp.), Wildcrafted and tinctured fresh in AZ. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. [2]


Reindeer Lichen Tincture

Wildcrafted Reindeer Lichen, (Cladonia rangiferina) sustainably harvested in the Pine Barrens in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.




Sarsaparilla (False) Tincture

Wildcrafted False Sarsaparilla (Arailia nudicalis) sustainably harvested in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Glycerine, Water.


Sassafras Leaf Tincture

Wildcrafted Sassafras Leaf and Twigs (Sassafras alba) sustainably harvested in the Pine Barrens in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Sassafras Root Tincture

Wildcrafted Sassafras Root (Sassafras alba) sustainably harvested in the Pine Barrens in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Veg. Glycerine, Water.


Shatavari Tincture


Organically Sourced Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Shepherds Purse Tincture

Wildcrafted Shepherds Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Harvested in Tulsa, OK, Organic Alcohol, Water.


Spice Bush Tincture

Wildcrafted Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin) harvested in the forests of NJ and Upstate NY, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Spruce Sap Tincture

Wildcrafted Spruce Sap (Picea sp.) Organic Alcohol (95%), Water.


St. John’s Wort Tincture

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum ) flowering tops, sustainably wildcrafted in NY, and NJ Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Stinging Nettle Tincture

Organically Grown Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Tulsi Tincture

Home Grown Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum – Rama variety), Grown at Cherry Valley Cooperative Farm, Princeton, NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water. *Tinctured Fresh.


Turmeric Magic Tincture

(Circuma longa) Organically Grown at Sweet Spot Farm. Tinctured Fresh, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Honey, Water.


Usnea Tincture

Wildcrafted Usnea sp., harvested in Taos, New Mexico, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Valerian Tincture

Organically grown Valerian (valeriana officinalis) Harvested at Cherry Valley Farm, Princeton, NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


White Vervain Tincture

Wildcrafted Verbena urticifolia harvested in the meadows of NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Wild lettuce Tincture


Wildcrafted Wild Lettuce (Lactua virosa) harvested at Cherry Valley Cooperative Farm, Princeton, NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


White Willow Tincture

Sustainably Sourced White Willow Bark, (Salix alba), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Wintergreen Tincture


(Gaultheria procumbens) Wildcrafted in the Pine Barrens in New Jersey, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Wormwood Tincture

Organically Home Grown Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water


Yarrow Tincture

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Sustainably Wildcrafted and Tinctured Fresh, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Yellow Dock Tincture

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) Root Organically grown at Cherry Valley Farm in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Yerba Santa Tincture

Wild Harvested Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum), Sustainably Harvested in Southern California, Organic Alcohol. Water


Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures:

All medicinal mushroom tinctures are Double Extracted


Birch Polypore Tincture


Wildcrafted Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) harvested in the Pine Barrens in NJ, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Chaga Tincture

Chaga (Innotus obliquus) wildcrafted in upstate NY, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Water.


Chicken of the Woods Tincture

Wild Harvested Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus), Organic Alcohol, Water.


Lions Mane Tincture

Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.

(Running low, email to check availability)

Maitake (Hen of the Woods) Tincture

Wildcrafted Maitake (Grifola fondosa) Organic Alcohol, Water.


Reishi Tincture

Wildcrafted Ganoderma Sp. Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Turkey Tail Tincture

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor), Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.


Kids Glycerite Tinctures

Astragalus Glycerite

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Water.

(Sold Out)


Chamomile Glycerite

Organically Grown Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Organic Vegetable Glycerine, Water.

*Alcohol Free

Kids Immune Compound Glycerite

A formula including Lemon Balm, Astragalus, and Chamomile in Organic Veg. Glycerine, and 40% Alcohol.

(Low Alcohol)


Return to Nature Tincture Price List:

~2 oz. Herbal Tinctures $25~

~2 oz. Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures $30~

~4 oz. Herbal Tinctures $40 (Ask for availability)~

~Custom 2 oz. Tincture Blend $33~

(choose based on ailment or combine your own)

Email Dan@Returntonature.us to inquire…

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