Category Archives: Interviews, Write Ups and Podcasts

Permaculture Podcast Interview

Recently, I was a guest on “The Permaculture Podcast with Scott Mann“. It was truly a pleasure talking with Scott and we discussed a wide range of aspects in relation to the intersection between foraging and permaculture. In the write up about the … Continue reading

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Practicing “Earth-Based” Intuition – Article in “Be Light Living” Magazine

Here is a new article I shared with Be Light Living magazine. In it I discuss aspects of practicing intuition with earth based naturalist practices like foraging, birding, or tracking. “We can observe Nature; human and ecological, by learning to pay … Continue reading

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“Return to Nature: The Yoga of the Natural World” Online Class

Here’s the recording of my talk with Sphinx Mystery School in Jan, 2015. The class was entitled, “Return to Nature: The Yoga of the Natural World”. In it, I shared and discussed aspects of the RTN philosophy, ways of engaging a … Continue reading

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Free Radical Media Interviews Dan De Lion

Just finished up a new interview with Free Radical Media, which will be coming out next week. Here’s the first interview we did back in 2014. It was a lot of fun and we got to discuss some great topics on everything … Continue reading

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The Zen of Chicken of the Woods – New Video

Here’s a video on ethical and sustainable harvest of the Latiporus mushrooms, of which there are 2 or 3 species in North America; namely laetiporus sulphureus, and laetiporus cincinnatus. Commonly known as the chicken of the woods mushroom, this is a … Continue reading

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Foraging the Autumn Olive

The Magic of Autumn Olive: Heres a look at one of my favorite wild berries – Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata). Autumn olive, or elaegnus is a delicious and tart berry which, before the first winter frost is very astringent due … Continue reading

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New Video – Harvesting Autumn Olives

Heres a look at one of my favorite wild berries – Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata). With a great amount of medicinal and edible aspects, I hope that this video can transform our cultures negative perception about this sometimes perceived as … Continue reading

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Fearless Parents Article – EAT The Weeds!

Educating ourselves about the already growing garden is a step by step process. It is more important to get familiar with one plant at a time, and work with it regularly, than to try and overwhelm ourselves by taking on … Continue reading

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Class Reflection – Winter Survival Foraging @ Manasquan Reservior – 02-23-2014

Winter Survival Foraging @ Manasquan Reservior – 02-23-2014 The weather was amazing, and it was a beautiful sunny day; a rare temperature from such a snowy winter. It felt like spring, and I was excited at the prospects of the … Continue reading

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Full Interview with Wall Township Life

Heres the unedited and behind the scenes full interview I did with Marilyn from Wall Township Life magazine article – Seen here.  Navigating the Back Woods of Wall Township  By Marilyn Zein El-Abidin  These articles are written in advance, and … Continue reading

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