Dans Favorite Podcasts

532120_301573863306889_1886226310_nListening to podcasts is a great way to become expanded as we navigate our every day matrix. We are blessed to have all of the wisdom we seek right at our fingertips through the digital framework we have become so integrated with. A pair of headphones and a digital device can literally bring any topic of wisdom from almost any teacher into your earbuds in seconds flat. It has become an important meditation in my life to saturate myself with the wisdom of those teachers I respect and learn from.

Heres some of my favorite podcasts that I recommend checking out next time you go for a drive, sit with for a contemplative meditation, or lay in the bath. Most can also be found on iphone through the “podcasts” app.

Herbal and Entheogenic Podcasts:

Healthwatch with Dr. David Naimon

Future Primitive Podcast

Democracy NOW! Podcast

NPR Politics Podcast

Podcasts – Radiolab

Pod Save the World

Waking Up with Sam Harris

The Bernie Sanders Show

The Permaculture Podcast

Psychedelic Salon


History of Alchemy

The Hermetic Hour

Naked Archaeology

Arthur Haines – Neoaboriginal Lifeways Interviews

Swamiji’s podcast

TED Radio Hour

Ancestral Health Radio

Entheogenic Evolution Podcast

Stephen Harrod Buhner Podcasts

Rewild Yourself Podcast

Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour Online

Free Radical Media

Deconstructing Dinner

The Laura Flanders Show

Reset with Amber Lyon

Radio Orbit with Mike Hagan

Kali Mandir Satsang

DoseNation Podcast

Biodynamics Now

Mindrolling Podcast

Radio 3Fourteen

Herb Mentor Radio

Jonathan Treasures Herblog Podcast

Sustainable World Radio

Susun Weed Healthy Life Radio Show

Interviews and Lectures with Stephen Harrod Buhner 

Green Deane on Radio

Entheo Radio

Check out Dans Podcast interviews here

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