Dans Roving Gypsy Foragemobile Campaign – October 2016:

 Roving Gypsy Foragemobile Campaign – October 2016: 

 Hey Friends, Its been 20 days since we launched our Foragemobile Van Fundraiser. We need your help to get beyond the $3000 marker – If each of you who follow and appreciate this work could donate just $11.11 to my van fund, I would be able to visit many more of you and spread our message of a #greenrevolution and #returntonature knowledge far and wide.

To help this vision become real, check out the link on gofundme: http://www.gofundme.com/returntonature

You can also donate any amount on PayPal to Dan@ReturntoNature.us – from there we will transfer each donation to the campaign with huge thanks!


Gypsy Nomad Revival and the Cottage Industry Rebuild with Dan De Lion:

dan-under-treeThe Gypsy nomad van plan is underway! I feel this is going to be a shift, an example of our exodus back to the earth, the return to nature that is so immanent as climate shifts, and as the need for getting closer to the earth becomes more obvious! During these teaching travels, I will also webcast my adventures and share in the live foraging and teachings on the road as I also study with elders and interview them!

I see myself writing in the van over the winter, and publishing my first of several books in the Spring of 2017 on foraging, nature philosophy, and the transitions we all desperately need. Lately I have been pouring out writings, of which I keep posting through my various sites, even though I am mostly in the woods, on an iphone always seeking ways to charge it, and get wifi, and I really need the proper place and time (internet, electricity, and a dry place) to be able to organize these writings. This van will also be a well stocked roving apothecary in service to all communities that i visit, which I can offer herbal consultation and services to the people in the places I travel and teach.


Sustainability Factor of Vans:

van-with-borderYes, it is true that vans don’t always have the best gas mileage (15-20 mpg). However, this is an alternative to the idea of a stationary sheetrock house, where the overhead is too expensive for our generations, and will set the pace for a transition into a more simple life. This is a huge transition from our modern way of life.

Consider, a van is a stable house which can be moved. Applied carefully, it is a reduction in fossil fuel use, if you think about how much fossil fuels are used to heat and cool a house. This van becomes the ability to reduce that. I don’t use air conditioner, and instead of heating a huge house over the winter, I will spend most of my time in the forest, next to a campfire, as usual.


Also, on this van I will have a bike rack on the back and install a solar panel on the roof with enough energy to charge a laptop and cell phone, basically all of the electricity I use. I will park the van at hubs and will have my backpack and spend days or weeks at a time walking through the forest, camping, foraging, and creating an intimate trail through many sacred sites in the forest…


dan-teaching-border-2This van will be not just a vehicle for driving, but a teaching hub; Within the foragemobile, I will build shelving, herb drying racks, food storage bins, and have a bedroll and space for meditation and study, to do computer work, write, and have a traveling space with supplies to open up a campsite and gypsy teaching village anywhere. It will be a mobile food storage unit/root cellar where I will seasonally circle key locations which are ready for transition building. Consider this vs a house.


Please help this vision become real! Consider sharing this with those who believe in the need for our transition, and donate what you can!




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About Dan

Dan De Lion is an earth herbalist, forager, musician, and teacher. He teaches through Return to Nature, providing classes, lectures, and seminars on wild food foraging, mushroom identification, herbal medicine making, as well as primitive and survival skills with a focus on wild foods and forest medicines. He also incorporates the philosophies of yoga, alchemy, meditation, and mysticism into his classes, lectures, and seminars and brings a deep rooted indigenous medicine perspective of practicing intuition with plants, in a systematic and earth-based way – Check out more at www.returntonature.us.
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