Developing Set and Setting in Plant Ritual – Online Class

Dan Plant Ritual

Here’s the recording of my online talk with Sphinx Mystery School on Feb, 3, 2015.

This class was entitled, “Developing Set and Setting in Plant Ritual.” In this talk I shared aspects and practices to engage plants with simple ceremonies and rituals within the many aspects of working and symbiotizing with the Gaian eco-system. We explored from from allies of the back yard, to the more well-known esoteric beings, ways of deepening our connection to the earth as well as our own healing process and work with others.

From smudging with different plants, to plant sits, smoking and dreaming herbs, herbal medicinals and seeking guidance from the visionary teachers. It was an honor to share in the inspired aspects of communion with our revered plant teachers in such a council. A great question answer session follows the talk.

Check out for more teachings and group dream work.

The previous class I shared at Sphinx Mystery School:

The Yoga of the Natural World” Audio Recording

Click Here for more Podcast recordings and interviews

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About Dan

Dan De Lion is an earth herbalist, forager, musician, and teacher. He teaches through Return to Nature, providing classes, lectures, and seminars on wild food foraging, mushroom identification, herbal medicine making, as well as primitive and survival skills with a focus on wild foods and forest medicines. He also incorporates the philosophies of yoga, alchemy, meditation, and mysticism into his classes, lectures, and seminars and brings a deep rooted indigenous medicine perspective of practicing intuition with plants, in a systematic and earth-based way – Check out more at
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