Each month join Dan for a monthly Return to Nature webcast “herbal Q+A” on the 4th Wednesday of each month using Skype – If you would like to attend, email Dan@ReturntoNature.us to RSVP for the class and receive info on how to join in.
You can also email your questions to Dan@Returntonature.us, or post them in the event forum on FB seen here – https://www.facebook.com/events/877857318947205
Some ideas for questions can be about herbs, healing, and foraging, plants, remedies, making herbal goodies, fermentation, kombucha, nature, and yoga philosophy (to name a few).
For the class, there is a $15 suggested donation through paypal which you can send to Dan@Returntonature.us – From there we will send you the link and info for the class.
All attendees or those who cannot attend live but wish to donate will also receive the play back of the file.
Check out interviews with Dan here!