Foragemobile Update – Living in a Van

Here’s a look at the Foragemobile in action!

Its been 4 months now living in a van and touring around teaching classes, and finding and foraging the most optimal locations.

As I travel, when at friends houses, sometimes I have been running an extension cord to plug in my computer to continue to update my website, book classes, do my online foraging herbalist mentorship program (enrollment for 2018 coming in November) and write articles for #dirtmag as well as my upcoming book due out hopefully by spring of 2018.

This use of energy will transition into a #solarpanel set up where I will then charge my devices by the power of the sun. I’m down to using a usb charging headlamp, a laptop, a computer, and a portable phone charging device as well as my anker solar panel.

If I can gather the funds to run off of solar, this will enable me to bring even more teachings to you all!

Please help that manifest, consider checking out the wonderful herbal gifts and healing incentives on 

I’m currently planning the upgrades for the van before the winter, and a west coast tour either in late winter, or spring of 2018. In affiliation with Antinanco Earth Arts school, we are planning a solar panel workshop as a fundraiser to help afford the solar rig on the van which will also be available as a live webcast and in-person class in the Holmdel, NJ area.

More to come on that, and much more to come on the foragemobile plan,

Dan de Lion

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About Dan

Dan De Lion is an earth herbalist, forager, musician, and teacher. He teaches through Return to Nature, providing classes, lectures, and seminars on wild food foraging, mushroom identification, herbal medicine making, as well as primitive and survival skills with a focus on wild foods and forest medicines. He also incorporates the philosophies of yoga, alchemy, meditation, and mysticism into his classes, lectures, and seminars and brings a deep rooted indigenous medicine perspective of practicing intuition with plants, in a systematic and earth-based way – Check out more at
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