Tag Archives: Herbalism

Upcoming Webinar – Wild Foods of Spring 

On April 19th, join Dan de Lion in the Web Universe for a digital plant walk! During this interactive webinar Dan will be discussing key botanical and plant identification aspects as well as food and medicinal, as well as survival, first aid, and utilitarian uses for some of the best spring plants, which grow around your own back yard!

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Spring Cleansing Webinar Download and Next Upcoming Online Class

For those of you who wanted to check out the class, also have a recording of last weeks webinar, with both video option, and mp3/slideshow option:

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Dans Foragemobile Van Plan Update – March 1, 2017:

Van Plan Update – March 1, 2017: This is a look at the van plan I envision to be finally decided on march 30th… I have decided with the wise advice of talking to many people, that instead of purchasing … Continue reading

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Spring Cleansing and Herbal Healing Tonics – Live Webinar w/ Dan, March 14th

Join Dan De Lion of www.returntonature.us in the Web Universe from the comfort of your home for a discussion on Spring Cleansing, Herbal Healing Tonics and Seasonal Tips for Wellness.

If we work with the seasons, and help support the bodies natural processes throughout each season, then optimal health and wellness can be achieved.

In this webinar, Dan will discuss easy to make herbal remedies, recipes, and a break down at some of the ways herbs effect the organs specifically related to what we need for detoxing from the winter, and entering into spring healthy. He will then address your questions.

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Foraging, Herbalism, and Tracking Classes – This Weekend in Southern, NJ

Hey friends of the forest, Join me this weekend for another round of insightful classes into the art and science of foraging for early spring greens. Due to the unusually warm weather, lots of plants are popping up early. Come … Continue reading

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Dan De lion live on Ancestral Health Radio!

Hey friends, my podcast interview in Ancestral Health Radio is now live! Huge thanks to James for his great work on this informative podcast…

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Chaga Tea and the Ethics of Wildcrafting

Heres a look at one of my favorite medicinal mushrooms, Chaga, or Inonotus obliquus. Of the several species in the Innotus genus, this is the one in which most is known about.  Chaga comes predominantly off of yellow, and white … Continue reading

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“Foragers Broadcast” Episode 28 – Check it out!

Hey friends of the forest, Heres a new episode from my ongoing Foragers Broadcast series.. This one is entitled, “Plant Talk, Fairy Speak, and the Biological Influence of Plants.”   Check out all the episodes on my youtube channel: Returntonatureskills … Continue reading

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Herbal CSA Winter Herbal Package – On Sale Now!

Greetings Plant Friends from the elven herbal kitchen! In celebration of the Winter season, Return to Nature is offering a limited-edition Winter Magic Herbal Goods Package and we still have a few left! Each package is carefully and lovingly handmade … Continue reading

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Return to Nature Tshirts! Available NOW!

Phoenix Fire Tshirts! Hey friends of the forest, we now have #Returntonature“phoenixfire” organic cotton tshirts in both green and white as rewards for donating to the gofundme foraging and herbalism traveling van school To see them as part of the … Continue reading

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